Saturday, July 28, 2018

Logline, Treatment and Charcter Design(s) #1

"Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and work at it until it’s done right."
- Walt Disney

Since the deadline for the proposal is drawing closer, the first draft for a logline and treatment, as well as character design(s) had to be finished - and here are the results:

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sketches and Ideas #1

Since the due date for the first assignment comes closer, I have decided to put my research on animation theories and tips on hold for the moment, in order to focus more on the development of my story and character(s).
"People who get into animation tend to be kids. We don't have to grow up. But also, animators are great observers, and there's this childlike wonder and interest in the world, the observation of little things that happen in life."
- John Lasseter
People who get into animation tend to be kids. We don't have to grow up. But also, animators are great observers, and there's this childlike wonder and interest in the world, the observation of little things that happen in life.
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People who get into animation tend to be kids. We don't have to grow up. But also, animators are great observers, and there's this childlike wonder and interest in the world, the observation of little things that happen in life.
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People who get into animation tend to be kids. We don't have to grow up. But also, animators are great observers, and there's this childlike wonder and interest in the world, the observation of little things that happen in life.
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People who get into animation tend to be kids. We don't have to grow up. But also, animators are great observers, and there's this childlike wonder and interest in the world, the observation of little things that happen in life.
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People who get into animation tend to be kids. We don't have to grow up. But also, animators are great observers, and there's this childlike wonder and interest in the world, the observation of little things that happen in life.
Read more at:

Before I even started to research anything, I decided to put down the ideas that spontaneously came to my mind and things I would have fun trying to animate. Since I wrote these ideas on a piece of paper, I will write down whatever came to my mind on here once again and maybe scan the paper and add it later on as well. Although some ideas are not specifically for the animation, since I am planning to make a game at the same time (Gaming Art course) and the idea was to take the same story and stylistic approach for both courses. Just like on paper, I marked the ideas I considered worth to pursue further in yellow.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Animation Theories: The 12 Principles of Animation

After going throught the basics of what animation is, I wanted to develop a solid basis on how to animate by looking at different animation theories that were developed over the years.
"Therefore, if we know and understand all the basics - then we've got the tools to create. Only then can we give the performance."
- Richard Williams in The Animator's Survival Kit

The 12 Principles of Animation
The 12 Principles of Animation as they appear in chapter 3 of "The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation"
The 12 principles of animation were first introduced in the book "The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation" (1981). Many animators make notable use of these principles to improve their animation, even today.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Introduction to Animation

I will be using this blog to document the research and work on my first actual animated short. Even though I previously did small animations spanning a few seconds each, for this project I decided to start from the beginning once again.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
- Walt Disney
I started out with doing research on the different animation types that exist in modern media, just to see what kind of techniques are possible for this project.