Thursday, September 20, 2018

Animation Progress #1

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." 
- Walt Disney 
Even though there was apparently no official class for today, I still sat down to finally start working on my animation.
After around four hours of work I got to this result:

I really like this first piece of animation, although there are some small details that could be worth revisiting and improving, but I think that would delve into nitpicking. 
I started out with general pose to pose animation by using the poses provided by my animatic. For the mouth and eyebrow animations I used straight ahead animation to give them more life. As for the head motion, I tried to keep the turning in an arc with the help of other supporting lines. Fruthermore, I attempted to work in secondary animation by starting and ending animations of different parts (e.g. eyes, eyebrows, mouth) on different frames.
I will continue working on this small scene and try to finish it first, before starting to work on other parts of the animation. Moreover, I am thinking about adding more to this scene by e.g. adding a squash and stretch to the face at the end.

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