Friday, November 2, 2018

Animation Progress #8

Instead of working further on the unfinished second part of the animation, I decided to revisit the first part once again. I coloured all remaining elements, so that the character is now fully coloured. 

Things that are still missing:
  • trigger for the shock reaction = splinter(s) from crack
  • background when the camera pans to look down onto the character
  • background when the character is looking up (crack)
  • more cracks appearing on the walls for the character to follow (explanation for why she suddenly runs into that specific direction)
  • glowing effect around crack
Furthermore, I'm still not sure whether or not to include shadows in the animation. I want to, since I think that it can further enhance the mood of the animation and improve the effect of some scenes. But I will probably leave the shadows until the end or until the second part is finished.

Another question that appeared was: How to end the animation?

Should the character go back to her own, grey world? Why would she? How can this decision making process be visualized? What about an ambiguous ending/cliffhanger?

First of all, I will definitely not include a cliffhanger at the end, since I find them to be extremely unsatisfactory, especially if there is no plan to make a continuation at the time. After giving it some thought, I have decided to not let her go back and instead end the animation on a peaceful note with her dozing off or something similar. In addition to this, a small scene where her inner conflict is presented could be added. She could e.g. look back to the direction where she came from, frowning, questioning, and unsure, but ultimately turning her back to it. 
In order to implement that idea, I will probably sketch something out again, since I image her expressions to be quite important for this part. Moreover, making sketches helps me visualize the actual animation better, and a better visualization ultimately allows me to easier draw what I imagined.

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